On the recommendation of the French family who are our neighbours for the next day or so, we ventured down the coast a little way to the coastal town of Orio before heading to Zarautz. Orio is a small town of 2 halves.
We parked at the beach side which was idyllic until 2 coach loads of Spanish school children descended and Abi and Matt were once again besieged. All very well meaning, and Abi enjoyed their company on the beach side park.
I popped into town and had a bit of recce, decided it to be prime scootering territory and we all scooted in, via the small harbour, and chicken and turkey zoo (yes, bizarre).
Matt stocked up on spare parts for the van (the water tap has been playing up) and we had a few more pinxtos before scootering back.
We then drove a short distance to the next town Zarautz. This is much larger and a bit of a surfing mecca, due to the break and amazing beach (another one – this coast is pretty cool). We bumped into the French family and Abi and Tom made sandcastles on the beach. Tom is very brave in the surf as his Dad is a paddle boarder, so Abi plucked up courage and ventured into the waves with Matt, which was a bit of breakthrough. A very pleasant day.
Abi and Matt’s favourite thing: swimming in the waves
Claire’s favourite thing: Orio. This is a lovely little town with a great campsite which I’d stay at next time.