After a long goodbye to the French family (Abi attempted a kiss with Tom but he was very French about the whole thing, and said ‘non’!), we drove into San Sebastian. The city has two beaches, and we checked out the one nearest us, Ondarreta. Much sandcastle making and park playing ensued. More overcast today so no swimming.
After lunch by a, you’ve guessed it, little park (there are so many in Spain it’s just not true – moving Abi around is not easy) we checked out Monte Igueldo. This is the hill where our campsite is, but before you reach that you come via an amazing viewpoint which looks out over San Sebastian.
It’s also a little theme park complete with boats, rollercoasters, carousels and lots to keep a 4 year old entertained, and her father bankrupt. Abi very happy and tired.
It’s difficult to get her to bed at night because it’s so light and warm, so no relaxing evenings for the parents to sit out together yet. We head off South tomorrow where they open their pools in May. Hopefully we’ll tire her out more effectively next stop.
Abi’s favourite thing: the balloon ride on the carousel
Matt’s favourite thing: the rollercoaster which we’re pretty sure wouldn’t pass English health and safety
Claire’s favourite thing: getting an hour on the beach to relax by herself