Number confidence critical in social mobility

Research Partners are delighted to have worked with National Numeracy to produce a series of briefing papers. You can find the latest here. This paper shows how critical number confidence is to social mobility. Low number confidence starts early in life and limits learning opportunities and career choices, throwing up a significant, lifelong barrier to … Read more

National Numeracy launch our research on number confidence

If PM Rishi Sunak wants to supercharge the UK’s maths skills, he could do worse than supporting women and girls. This is a key takeaway by National Numeracy from their new research, completed by Research Partners. The research shows how vital confidence is in improving numeracy. Without the confidence to believe that their ability to use … Read more

CIPD publish Good Work Stories

Research Partners are proud to have worked with CIPD to produce 9 Good Work Stories detailing the highs and lows of working life in a range of different professions. These accessible and real life stories can be found on the CIPD web site. Using their extensive networks, CIPD asked for volunteers from across the country … Read more

Pandemic has severely affected pupils in special education

The impact of COVID-19 has left pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) attending special schools and colleges, around four months behind in academic development and five months behind with their wider development. This is according to new findings from ASK Research, supported by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), a report of … Read more

NHS can support economic recovery

Research Partners Director, Claire Tyers, was delighted to work with Learning and Work Institute to produce discussion papers on the role of the NHS in supporting economic recovery. Now available on Learning and Work’s website, these papers describe the economic impact of COVID-19 and discuss what role the NHS could play as an employer and … Read more

NHS and Colleges need to work together

In its joint publication, the NHS Confederation and the Independent Commission on the College of the Future call on the Government to: Invest £5m over two years to pilot employer hubs in each of the seven NHS regions in England to help NHS and care organisations’ recruitment and training, Support the creation of a Health … Read more

Fostering lifelong learning at life transitions

Research Partner’s Claire Tyers is proud to have helped Learning and Work with their recent report ‘Learning at Life Transitions’, published by the Further Education Trust for Leadership. The report highlights why it is important for women returners and those approaching retirement to engage in lifelong learning along with some of their views about, and … Read more

New briefing on Strengths Based Social Care for children, young people and their families

A new briefing by the Social Care Institute for Excellence describes how Strengths Based Approaches (SBAs) work and assesses their effectiveness. The values and principles that inform this approach are not new, but they have attracted a rapidly growing interest over the last five years. A strengths-based approach (SBA) to social care focuses on identifying … Read more

Mind finds employees are staying silent on poor mental health

74 organisations that took part in Mind’s latest Workplace Wellbeing Index, a benchmark of best policy and practice which celebrates the work employers are doing to promote and support positive mental health. Findings show that: More than eight in ten people (84 per cent) would continue to go to work when experiencing poor mental health while … Read more

Establishing the ‘real’ causes of long-term sickness absence

Exclusive joint research from The At Work Partnership and the Work Foundation provides concrete evidence that the reason someone takes long-term sickness absence and remains off sick, isn’t just down to the diagnosis given on the fit note or sick certificate. This biopsychosocial survey of long-term sickness absence demonstrates that while the initial diagnosis is relevant … Read more